Anesthesia Ramblings

Monday, January 12, 2015

Ah I've been such a hypocrite about blogging more often on this new blog! I have not gotten a chance to update for over a week, mainly because I've been so busy with school, my new clerkship, the residency application process, catching up with friends, organizing my life, being sick!, etc. Excuses, excuses I know but things just got crazy over the last week especially since I didn't do much of anything over winter break, causing me to have a laundry list of stuff on my to-do list to complete this first week back.

But anyway, Anesthesia so far has been absolutely crazy! The hours are great, but it's a total whirlwind since there's so much new material, it's a new environment, and my preceptors so far haven't exactly been the warmest, friendliest people. I'm pretty sure I'm not going to get a great grade on this rotation, but I guess it's not a huge deal since it's not too important of a rotation for pediatrics. It's still scary though since I always want to do my best on rotations, but it's not always possible. I'm hoping that I can start acing some rotations since my clinical grades so far have been iffy at best thanks to my horrible shelf exam performance. Medical school is sooo much harder than I had imagined :( my clinical performance is always excellent, but it's always my test performance that keeps me from getting the top clerkship scores. Really unfortunate that this is a numbers game.

Anyways, I'm hoping that with things calming down a bit more, I can update more frequently. These next few months are definitely going to be crazy, with me finishing up core clerkships and then residency applications and interviews :( Ahhhh, scary but exciting times coming up ahead!

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